Turquoise beads are considered a
gemstone of ancient origin occurring in the whole range
of hues from sky blue to grey-green. In many cultures of the Old and New
Worlds, this gemstone has been esteemed for thousands of years as a holy stone,
a bringer of good fortune or a talisman. It is mostly found in places where
there is a high concentration of copper in the soil as the blue color is
created by copper and the green created by bivalent iron and a certain amount
of chrome. Often, the material has veins or blotches running through it, which
are brown, light grey or black and are known as `turquoise matrix`. The natural
crystals are microscopically small and can hardly ever be seen with the naked
eye. Deposits are in the USA, Mexico, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan and China. The
most beautiful and highest quality turquoise of a splendid pure, radiant sky
blue with or without matrix comes from deposits in Northern Iran (Persia).
Turquoise treatments may include waxing to improve color and stability, color
enhancement to improve the blue hue, color enhancement to add color and `reconstructed
turquoise` made from pulverised turquoise. Turquoise should be protected from
cosmetics, heat and bright light. It is not a gemstone to take with you when
you go sunbathing. Clean from time to time with a soft cloth.
Explore Here:- http://www.ratnagarbha.com/gemstones/turquoise.html
Explore Here:- http://www.ratnagarbha.com/gemstones/turquoise.html