Friday, 14 March 2014

Week in Space: Martian Blasts, Saturn's Moons, and Hawaiian Skies
A bevy of astronomical beauties displays the grandeur of the planets (and moons) in the week's best space pictures.

Whiskey Quartz
Whiskey Quartz beads are a medium to dark saturation of a yellowish brown tone of quartz resembling a fine irish whiskey color. The gem is transparent in quality and usually has few internal characteristics. The gem is mined in Brazil, Africa, South Africa, Uruguay, US (Arizona), Canada, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar

A DC-10 weighted down with ash from the Pinatubo eruption. Photo taken on June 17, 1991.
Moonstone beads are a transparent to semi-translucent gem characterised by an enchanting play of light known as `adularescence`. In earlier times, people believed they could see in it the phases of the moon.